The Responsible Down Standard

By using the Higg Index, we were able to quantify our impact in a way that was not previously available to us. As a result of our findings we have undergone facility renovations for cleaner air emissions and minimized use of electrical power, as well as implemented employee engagement and health initiatives, and developed a rigorous recycling program to minimize the amount of waste to local landfills. 

The Responsible Down Standard (independently) certifies down against animal welfare requirements

and tracks it from the source to the final product.

As a bluesign® system partner, we apply the bluesign® system which unites the entire textile supply chain to jointly reduce its impact on people and the environment. The Input Stream Management ensures that approved chemical products and raw materials are used in all steps of the manufacturing process. Substances posing risks to people and the environment are hence eliminated from the very beginning. On-site inspections verify the proper application of such chemical products and raw materials in controlled processes and ensure the responsible use of resources.

Our Vision

At Ohio Feather Company, we process our feathers and down to the highest industry standards.  From Europe to Asia, we have thoroughly searched the globe for the finest materials available. At our factory, each product closely inspected, tested and processed to ensure our customers are receiving only the finest finished goods

Hypo-Cycle Down™ Feather and Down that has been sterilized using a 4-cycle wash process that produces a Hypoallergenic product.

RDS certification follows the chain of custody from farm to final product, with each step in the supply chain undergoing annual audits.  Upon passing the audit, each facility is awarded a Scope Certificate that verifies compliance with the expectations set forth by RDS.  In addition to the Scope Certificate, Transaction Certificates (TC’s) are also issued with each sale and purchase of RDS down and feathers as it goes from slaughter-house, to processor, to bulk down supplier, to factory, to retail- providing a verifiable paper trail and reinforcing the integrity and traceability of the program.